Member Resources
Hyde Park Dollars
Hyde Park Dollars can be used to purchase goods and services offered by participating businesses within the Hyde Park Community.
Loyalty Card
A Loyalty Card for your community. Receive stickers for each purchase made within Hyde Park BIA boundaries.
Corporate Hyde Park Dollars
Give a “Hyde” Five to show appreciation to employees and customers!
CTV Ad Program
The Hyde Park BIA works with CTV to produce commercials for our businesses to air on CTV London.
Social Media Showcase
Share your content across HPBIA social channels
Ribbon Cuttings
An opportunity to host a ribbon cutting ceremony, with photos / videos posted to social media channels afterwards.
Bus Shelter Ad Program
Advertising opportunities at the bus shelter south of Gainsborough Road along Hyde Park Road.
Feature Friday
Elevate Your Business with a Free Promo Video!
Member Directory
Where you can find all of our valued members and Friends of Hyde Park.
Annual General Meeting
An opportunity for members to come together and discuss the work and accomplishments over the last year