Hyde Park Business improvement association
Member Benefits
Advocating and lobbying on behalf of the membership as a unified voice
Connection to the BIA
Connection to our Hyde Park BIA brand and identity
Annual Events
Participation in our annual signature events: PondFest, Hyde Park Santa Parade, Hyde Park Christmas Market, Uptown Market
Community Involvement
Participation in community incentives, other marketing, and promotional programs: Hyde Park Dollars, CTV ads, Bus Shelter ads
Assistance in dealing with the City of London regarding policies, permits, maintenance, and construction
Exclusive access to our social media and mailing list
Streetscape Improvements
Public streetscape improvements including hanging baskets, median planters, & pollinators
Safety, security, and crime prevention initiatives
Representation and support at all three levels of government
Opportunity for Outreach
Public Relations opportunities and stronger connections to the media
Website Listing
Website member directory listing
Strategic Planning
Strategic plans for business recruitment, market studies, and capital improvements - leading to a proven decrease in vacancies
How Much Does This Cost Me?
Once the annual budget is shared with BIA members and approved by the Board and City Council, funds are raised through a levy on commercial and industrial properties within the BIA. The levy is based on the proportionate value of each property’s assessment.
If a property’s realty assessment is $100,000, the total relevant assessment in the BIA is $10,000,000, and the annual BIA budget is $40,000, then the property’s BIA levy is: ($100,000 / $10,000,000) X $40,000 = $400
Note: The BIA levy is paid directly by the property owner. Tenant businesses are assumed to be paying the levy through their rent.