BIA Expansion

Businesses Working Together to Foster a Vibrant Community

What is a bia?

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an association of commercial property owners and tenants within a defined area who work in partnership with the City to create thriving, competitive, and innovative business areas that attract shoppers, diners, tourists, and new businesses.

A volunteer Board of Management, elected by its members of business and property owners within Hyde Park, runs the BIA. The Board and BIA employees set priorities, manage budgets, implement improvements, plan events, and promote the business area. Funds are raised through a levy on all commercial and industrial properties within the BIA’s boundary, based on the property’s commercial and/or industrial assessment.

Why is the hyde park bia pursuing expansion?

By joining the Hyde Park BIA through a boundary expansion, more local businesses will have the organizational and funding capacity to be catalysts for civic improvement, enhancing the quality of life in their local neighbourhood and the city of London as a whole. 

BIAs benefit both the business community and the surrounding neighbourhood by improving the local atmosphere and economy. BIA-initiated improvements can increase demand for retail and
office space, reduce commercial vacancy rates, and enhance property values.

What are the new proposed boundaries?

The Hyde Park BIA is pursuing an expansion of the BIA boundaries to the West of the City limits, Sunningdale Road to the North, Rail Line and Oxford Street to the South, and to the East of Wonderland Road.

What are the benefits of joining a bia?

BIAs promote business, tourism, safety, and physical revitalization, advocating on behalf of their members as a unified voice.

As a member of Hyde Park BIA, your business has access to a variety of benefits including:

  • Advocating and lobbying on behalf of the membership as a unified voice
  • Connection to the Hyde Park BIA brand and identity
  • Participation in our signature events: PondFest, Hyde Park Santa Parade, Hyde Park
    Christmas Market, Uptown Market
  • Participation in other marketing and promotional programs – Hyde Park Dollars, CTV
    ads, Bus Shelter ads
  • Assistance in dealing with the City regarding policies, permits, maintenance, and
  • Access to our Social Media and mailing list
  • Public streetscape improvements including hanging baskets, median planters
  • Website Member Directory listing

what is a levy? how is it calculated?

Once the annual budget is shared with BIA members and approved by the Board and City Council, funds are raised through a levy on commercial and industrial properties within the BIA. The levy is based on the proportionate value of each property’s assessment.

If a property’s realty assessment is $100,000, the total relevant assessment in the BIA is
$10,000,000, and the annual BIA budget is $40,000, then the property’s BIA levy is:
($100,000 / $10,000,000) X $40,000 = $400

Note: The BIA levy is paid directly by the property owner. Tenant businesses are assumed to be
paying the levy through their rent.

What is The process of joining the bia?

The HPBIA cannot move forward to include the whole of Hyde Park in the BIA without your interest and engagement in this project. 

Please visit the link below to complete a short survey about this possible expansion.

Where can i find more information?

For more information on the Hyde Park BIA, the Expansion, and/or BIAs in general: