Community Programs
Hyde Park Dollars
Hyde Park Dollars can be used to purchase goods and services offered by participating businesses within the Hyde Park Community.
Loyalty Card
A Loyalty Card for your community. Receive stickers for each purchase made within Hyde Park BIA boundaries.
Student Discounts
Unlock savings with exclusive student discounts.
Senior Discounts
Enjoy special savings through senior discounts!
Member Directory
Where you can find all of our valued members and Friends of Hyde Park.
Coordinated Informed Response
Homelessness isn't unique to London, but our city is taking proactive steps to address it through initiatives like the Coordinated Informed Response (CIR) and London Cares.
Developments in Hyde Park
Hyde Park's ongoing developments are shaping a dynamic landscape, fostering growth, innovation, and a vibrant future for our community
London's Digital Main Street
Receive FREE targeted support to get started, and grow your digital presence & business.